Testimonials Letters

Testimonials references and feedbackI can’t remember myself living without dieting and stressing over-weight issues. Being on several crushing diets, made me think that I was able to wear smaller size clothes, and experience the freedom to eat anything I wanted, but this situation did not last for too long, because every time I stopped dieting I gained the weight back.

Now that I am on the “Alpha Nutrition Program”, even though the focal point of this program is not only for shedding weight, however feeling balanced and healthy while losing weight. When I have a problem I don’t refer to food to comfort me anymore, simply because my mind is in perfect balance and I only eat because I am hungry.


Testimonials References feedback indigestion HeadacheI was suffering indigestion and migraine headache for many years, never took pain killer to ease it up. This painful situation got me interested in looking for alternative method to heal my aches. I have done a lot of reading and research, but never believed that there is way out to this problem, until I happened to meet a friend that I haven’t seen for a long time and told me about her experience with chronic migraine headache. Then my friend referred me to the “Alpha Nutrition Program”. I had amazing results, this dedicating program provided all the help I needed, the counselling part was one of the most effective I’ve ever thought, due to the fact that it made me commit to a new view of healthier life style while working on my digestive problem and getting rid of the migraine headache. Thank you very much for everything you’ve done for me.
